You may notice that your soil's nutrient content is displayed as different colored bars in your SoilKit report: green, orange, yellow, or red. But what color code are we using?
GREEN: This color means you're good to GO! These nutrients are within the optimal range for your soil. A darker green means your soil is doing great, while a lighter green is more borderline but not a cause for concern at present. The treatment recommendation probably won't suggest adding any more of these nutrients to your soil.
YELLOW: This color means ATTENTION. These nutrients are below the optimal range, so you may need to amend your soil to prevent a nutrient deficiency, especially if it's a macronutriend like Phosphorus (P) or Potassium (K). You might not see a recommendation to fertilize with a micronutrient in this zone, depending on your crop and the balance with other nutrients in your soil.
ORANGE: This color means WARNING. These nutrients are above the optimal range, so you won't need to add any more of them to your soil for now.
RED: This color means STOP! These nutrients are far above their optimal range, and could even be toxic to your plants or dangerous to the environment. You definitely should avoid adding more of these nutrients to your soil, so stick to the fertilizers in your customized treatment recommendations.
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