A "weed & feed" product is a combination of a fertilizer and a herbicide so you can kill two birds with one stone: give your plants the nutrients they need, while eliminating weed competition. However, your SoilKit results will NOT recommend a weed & feed. Why is this?
At SoilKit, it is our priority to give custom recommendations that are exactly what your soil needs based on your goals for plant growth. We give fertilizer and weed control recommendations seperately because it's the easiest way to be precise with the amount and type of the individual amendemnts applied. Combining fertilizer and herbicide in a single product usually means your soil is getting too much of one amendment, not enough of the other, or both.
You can apply fertilizers and herbicides at the same time, but we will always list seperate recommendations for each category of amendment so that you can give your soil the very best treatment.
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