Fertilizers & Amendments
- Can I apply fertilizer in winter? (ASK Around)
- Is there a difference between lawn products and garden products?
- How long after fertilizer application is the lawn safe for children and pets?
- What is composting, and how can I get started?
- What is the difference between compost and mulch?
- What should I do with dead leaves?
- What is vermicomposting?
- My soil phosphorus is too high/too low. What do I do?
- Fertilizer labels warn, “Apply nitrogen when turf is actively growing.” Why?
- My soil calcium levels are high. What can I do? (ASK Advice)
- What is a soil amendment?
- What is fertilizing?
- How can I figure out spreader settings for applying fertilizer?
- What is foliar feeding (foliar spray)?
- What are earthworm castings?
- What is green manure?
- What is liming?
- What is the difference between dolomitic and calcitic lime?
- What is the difference between using lime and sulfur?
- How is elemental sulfur different from other sulfate amendments?
- What is the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)?