Lawn Care
Follow Section
- How do you know if brown grass is a disease, insects, or just dry? (ASK Around)
- How long do I have to wait between applying pre-emergent and overseeding?
- What should I do to prepare my lawn for winter? (ASK Around)
- Should I aerate my lawn? If so, how do I do it? (ASK Around)
- My grass is dying. Can I save it?
- What are the brown spots in my lawn? (ASK Advice)
- Watering your lawn -- how often and how much? (ASK Advice)
- Are there risks associated with overwatering grass?
- When should I fertilize my lawn?
- What is topdressing?
- How short/tall should I mow my grass?
- What is a mowing blade?
- The Dog Days of Summer: How can I help my lawn cope with heat stress?
- What is a mulching blade?
- What should I do with my grass clippings? (Mulching)
- Is Your Dog Destroying Your Lawn?
- What different kinds of lawn mowers are there?
- What regular maintenance should I do on my lawn mower?
- What is marcelling?
- Is there a difference between a string trimmer and a weed eater?
- What is an edger?
- What is a pole edger?
- What is a hard edge?
- What is aeration? Does my lawn need it?
- When do I need new sod? How do I select and maintain it?
- What is a lawn aerator?
- What is lawn thatch and how do I avoid it?
- What are dethatching and scarifying? Does my lawn need one of them?
- What is the difference between a dethatcher and a scarifier?
- Does grass need sleep?